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  • 1st order
  • Age Group
  • Beauty issues - Acne
  • Beauty issues - Damaged Hair
  • Beauty issues - Dark Circles
  • Beauty issues - Dark Spots
  • Beauty issues - Sun Damage
  • Beauty issues - Wrinkles
  • Brand
  • BrandDisplayOrder
  • Claim2
  • Country of origin
  • Frequency
  • Lip color - Browns
  • Lip color - Nudes
  • Lip color - Reds
  • Most buyed product categories - Blushers/Bronzers
  • Most buyed product categories - Body Creams
  • Most buyed product categories - Cleansers
  • Most buyed product categories - Foot Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Foundation
  • Most buyed product categories - Fragrances
  • Most buyed product categories - Hair Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Moisturizers
  • Most buyed product categories - Shampoos
  • Most buyed product categories - Shower&Bath
  • Most buyed product categories - Sun Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Treatment
  • PnD Pick
  • Product dimension
  • Skin Type - Combination
  • Skin Type - Dry
  • Skin Type - Normal
  • Skin Type - Oily
  • Skin Type - Sensitive
  • Type of hair - Colored
  • Type of hair - Curly
  • Type of hair - Dandruff
  • Type of hair - Dry
  • Type of hair - Normal
  • Type of hair - Straight
  • Type of hair - Thick
  • Type of hair - Thin
  • Type of hair - Wavy
  • Units/Box
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Masca tip servetel cu extract de perle Jigott ingrijeste intens fata cu ajutorul extractului de perle si a altor substante bioactive. Produsul este realizat pe baza unei tesaturi hipoalergenice impregnate cu o esenta concentrata.

Extractul de perle in combinatie cu acid hialuronic, substante bioactive de castravete, ovaz, cartofi completeaza pierderea de umiditate, satureaza tesuturile cu aminoacizi esentiali, sustine metabolismul si regenerarea.

Dupa folosirea mastii, pielea devine proaspata, neteda si moale, tenul se imbunatateste vizibil, dispar urmele de roseata.