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  • 1st order
  • Age Group
  • Beauty issues - Acne
  • Beauty issues - Damaged Hair
  • Beauty issues - Dark Circles
  • Beauty issues - Dark Spots
  • Beauty issues - Sun Damage
  • Beauty issues - Wrinkles
  • Brand
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  • Claim2
  • Country of origin
  • Frequency
  • Lip color - Browns
  • Lip color - Nudes
  • Lip color - Reds
  • Most buyed product categories - Blushers/Bronzers
  • Most buyed product categories - Body Creams
  • Most buyed product categories - Cleansers
  • Most buyed product categories - Foot Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Foundation
  • Most buyed product categories - Fragrances
  • Most buyed product categories - Hair Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Moisturizers
  • Most buyed product categories - Shampoos
  • Most buyed product categories - Shower&Bath
  • Most buyed product categories - Sun Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Treatment
  • PnD Pick
  • Product dimension
  • Skin Type - Combination
  • Skin Type - Dry
  • Skin Type - Normal
  • Skin Type - Oily
  • Skin Type - Sensitive
  • Type of hair - Colored
  • Type of hair - Curly
  • Type of hair - Dandruff
  • Type of hair - Dry
  • Type of hair - Normal
  • Type of hair - Straight
  • Type of hair - Thick
  • Type of hair - Thin
  • Type of hair - Wavy
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Curatare delicata. Acest produs spala fara efort impuritatile, crema de protectie solara reziduala, excesul de sebum si chiar machiajul incapatanat, de lunga durata. Imbogatit cu un amestec armonios de uleiuri naturale, nu numai ca scapa pielea de elementele nedorite, dar dezvaluie si un ten care emana stralucire si revitalizare.

Formula inovatoare de ulei la spuma trece printr-un proces de transformare, purificand pielea in profunzime fara a lasa in urma niciun reziduu gras, asigurand o baza proaspata si curata. Acest ulei de curatare, delicat, all-in-one, este creat pentru a satisface tipurile normale de piele, facandu-l potrivit pentru utilizarea zilnica pentru a mentine un ten constant improspatat si luminos.