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  • Age Group
  • Beauty issues - Cellulites
  • Beauty issues - Damaged Hair
  • Beauty issues - Dark Circles
  • Beauty issues - Oily Roots
  • Beauty issues - Sun Damage
  • Beauty issues - Wrinkles
  • Brand
  • BrandDisplayOrder
  • Country of origin
  • Eye colors - Eye Liners - Brown Eyeliner
  • Eye colors - Eye Liners - Silver Eyeliner
  • Eye colors - Eye Shadows - Earth Eyeshadow
  • Frequency
  • Most buyed product categories - Blushers/Bronzers
  • Most buyed product categories - Body Creams
  • Most buyed product categories - Cleansers
  • Most buyed product categories - Eye Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Foot Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Foundation
  • Most buyed product categories - Fragrances
  • Most buyed product categories - Hair Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Moisturizers
  • Most buyed product categories - Shampoos
  • Most buyed product categories - Sun Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Treatment
  • PnD Pick
  • Product dimension
  • Skin Tone - Light
  • Skin Tone - Medium
  • Skin Tone - Tan
  • Skin Type - Combination
  • Skin Type - Dry
  • Skin Type - Normal
  • Skin Type - Oily
  • Skin Type - Sensitive
  • Type of hair - Blonde
  • Type of hair - Colored
  • Type of hair - Curly
  • Type of hair - Dandruff
  • Type of hair - Dry
  • Type of hair - Frizzy
  • Type of hair - Normal
  • Type of hair - Oily
  • Type of hair - Straight
  • Type of hair - Thick
  • Type of hair - Thin
  • Type of hair - Wavy
  • Volume
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Hidrateaza intens, reface, netezeste si elimina uscaciunea. Inmoaie zonele crapate si descuamate, previne deshidratarea. Produsul cu o textura de budinca hranitoare se absoarbe fara a lasa pielea lipicioasa sau pelicula grasa, calmeaza si este excelent ca produs SOS pentru pielea uscata. Uniformizeaza tonul si ofera o stralucire sanatoasa, umple pielea cu vitamine si antioxidanti si imbunatateste functiile de bariera.

Extractul de Yuzu creste elasticitatea si reduce profunzimea ridurilor, protejeaza celulele de radicalii liberi si reduce procesul de glicare, adica lipirea fibrelor de colagen.

Complexul Bee-Barrier este un complex hidratant care contine propolis, miere si laptisor de matca. Restaureaza, hraneste, suprima procesul inflamator, are efect bactericid si antioxidant.

Uleiul Rukku (anatto) hraneste si catifeleaza pielea, calmeaza iritatiile si are un efect antiseptic si antioxidant.

Uleiul din seminte de floarea soarelui hraneste, hidrateaza, restabileste bariera naturala de protectie si este non-comedogenic.

Uleiul de soia are efect antiinflamator si antioxidant, restabileste bariera de umezeala si protejeaza impotriva efectelor radiatiilor UV.

Potrivit pentru piele normala, mixta si uscata.