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  • Age Group
  • Beauty issues - Cellulites
  • Beauty issues - Damaged Hair
  • Beauty issues - Dark Circles
  • Beauty issues - Oily Roots
  • Beauty issues - Sun Damage
  • Beauty issues - Wrinkles
  • Brand
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  • Country of origin
  • Eye colors - Eye Liners - Brown Eyeliner
  • Eye colors - Eye Liners - Silver Eyeliner
  • Eye colors - Eye Shadows - Blue Eyeshadow
  • Eye colors - Eye Shadows - Earth Eyeshadow
  • Frequency
  • Key Ingredient
  • Most buyed product categories - Blushers/Bronzers
  • Most buyed product categories - Body Creams
  • Most buyed product categories - Cleansers
  • Most buyed product categories - Eye Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Foundation
  • Most buyed product categories - Fragrances
  • Most buyed product categories - Hair Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Moisturizers
  • Most buyed product categories - Shampoos
  • Most buyed product categories - Sun Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Treatment
  • PnD Pick
  • Product dimension
  • Skin Tone - Light
  • Skin Tone - Medium
  • Skin Tone - Tan
  • Skin Type - Combination
  • Skin Type - Dry
  • Skin Type - Normal
  • Skin Type - Oily
  • Skin Type - Sensitive
  • Type of hair - Blonde
  • Type of hair - Colored
  • Type of hair - Curly
  • Type of hair - Dandruff
  • Type of hair - Dry
  • Type of hair - Frizzy
  • Type of hair - Normal
  • Type of hair - Oily
  • Type of hair - Straight
  • Type of hair - Thick
  • Type of hair - Thin
  • Type of hair - Wavy
  • Volume
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Curata si hidrateaza pielea! Hidratare + stralucire + control sebum deodata!

Hidratant, controlul porilor si sebumului, hranitor, ingrijirea ridurilor

Toate tipurile de piele

- Galactomyces Ferment Filtrat 50% - ajuta la controlul sebumului, la liftingul pielii si la stralucire.
- Apa de flori Rosa Centifolia 10% - are abilitati puternice de hidratare si reechilibrare.

Ce este filtratul de fermentare Galactomyces

Filtratul de fermentare Galactomyces este o drojdie bogata in nutrienti si un produs secundar obtinut din procesul de fermentare a sake-ului. In cosmetica, este folosit ca agent de hidratare si are efecte antioxidante. Imbunatateste bariera de hidratare a pielii, ajutand-o sa se protejeze de stresul mediului. Ele furnizeaza in mod activ oxigen si stimuleaza productia de colagen in piele, ceea ce imbunatateste textura pielii.

Iubitorii de animale il vor aproba pe acesta, deoarece este 100% vegan si cruelty-free.