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  • Age Group
  • Beauty issues - Cellulites
  • Beauty issues - Damaged Hair
  • Beauty issues - Dark Circles
  • Beauty issues - Oily Roots
  • Beauty issues - Sun Damage
  • Beauty issues - Wrinkles
  • Brand
  • BrandDisplayOrder
  • Country of origin
  • Eye colors - Eye Liners - Brown Eyeliner
  • Eye colors - Eye Liners - Silver Eyeliner
  • Eye colors - Eye Shadows - Earth Eyeshadow
  • Frequency
  • Most buyed product categories - Blushers/Bronzers
  • Most buyed product categories - Body Creams
  • Most buyed product categories - Cleansers
  • Most buyed product categories - Eye Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Foundation
  • Most buyed product categories - Fragrances
  • Most buyed product categories - Hair Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Lip Make-up
  • Most buyed product categories - Moisturizers
  • Most buyed product categories - Shampoos
  • Most buyed product categories - Sun Care
  • Most buyed product categories - Treatment
  • PnD Pick
  • Product dimension
  • Skin Tone - Light
  • Skin Tone - Medium
  • Skin Tone - Tan
  • Skin Type - Combination
  • Skin Type - Dry
  • Skin Type - Normal
  • Skin Type - Oily
  • Skin Type - Sensitive
  • Type of hair - Blonde
  • Type of hair - Colored
  • Type of hair - Curly
  • Type of hair - Dandruff
  • Type of hair - Dry
  • Type of hair - Frizzy
  • Type of hair - Normal
  • Type of hair - Oily
  • Type of hair - Straight
  • Type of hair - Thick
  • Type of hair - Thin
  • Type of hair - Wavy
  • Volume
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Eye Level depaseste toate asteptarile unui rimel natural, vegan. Acest rimel de pana la 100% derivat natural prelungeste, ridica, onduleaza si adauga volumul potrivit cu fiecare aplicare. Formula inovatoare ofera o intensitate mare a culorii si o uzura de lunga durata pana la 36 de ore. Eye Level este testat oftalmologic si dermatologic. Pentru gene care se simt la fel de bine pe cat arata!

Vegan si cu ingrediente 100% de origine naturala.

Eye Level nu contine ingrediente de origine animala. In timp ce rimelurile conventionale contin adesea lanolina de la oaie sau ceara de albine, folosim alternative vegane, cum ar fi ceara carnauba si ceara candelilla. Evitam in mod deliberat ingredientele discutabile care se gasesc in rimelurile conventionale. Prin urmare, Eye Level nu contine parabeni, siliconi, PEG si microplastice. Fideli motto-ului nostru: mai bine pentru tine, mai bine pentru planeta noastra.