Our customers are sharing

Our customers are sharing

Since our start in October 2014, we’ve got so many posts and articles about our products (like this, this, and this one for example). Many inspiring beauty bloggers from Romania have joined us and shared their view on our innovative service. We thank everyone of them for the kind words and the inspiration! However, we think it is time to hear what our customers have to say. Those who trusted us, and who were curious and brave enough to lead the way. The trendsetters who embraced the Pick N Dazzle experience, and tested the concept.

As we already told you, our survey revealed that the customers love our beauty service. They are delighted by the surprise and by the fact that they have beauty experts on their disposal, helping them narrow the vast choice of products on the market. So let's hear what did some of you say.

One of our first customers is Anca, a Romanian woman who joined our beauty service from the very beginning. She already has 5 months of experience with the Pick N Dazzle product curation service. Here is her story in short (and in Romanian).

Anca: "Ma numesc Anca Popescu si sunt din Arad. Am aflat despre Pick N Dazzle absolut  intamplator dintr-un mesaj publicitar vazut pe facebook. Serviciul pe care l-am ales a fost Sleek Picks pentru 6 luni, deoarece era pentru prima oara cand testam un astfel de concept si doream sa vad despre ce este vorba. Am devenit client datorita conceptului foarte nou in Romania si m-au convins preturile accesibile, seriozitatea si promtitudinea cu care mi s-a raspuns de fiecare data.

Mi-au placut mult brandurile alese de care nu mai auzisem si faptul ca in fiecare cutie primesti 4 produse full size, cadouri consistente si mostre. Imi place, de asemenea, ca produsele sunt atent selectate si corespund perfect profilului fiecarui client, precum si promptitudinea cu care sunt livrate. Categoric doresc sa fac parte din comunitatea Pick N Dazzle in continuare, intentionez sa imi prelungesc abonamentul pentru inca 6 luni."

Need a best friend who is a beauty expert to cut through the clutter and find the best beauty products for you? That’s exactly what we do! Complete your Beauty Profile now and order your first Pick N Dazzle Box.

Pick your Beauty Box

The box of quality cosmetics personally curated for you. Over 500 000 delivered products, over 40 000 five-stars reviews.